Tag Archive | D&C

It Takes Two

I think it’s understandable that Rhiannon and I didn’t rush right into trying for a third pregnancy. Two back-to-back miscarriages took a lot of the excitement out of getting pregnant. Plus, we had to wait the designated two-to-three-month recovery time after her D&C at the end of December anyway. (We would’ve waited that long even […]

Love Actually

Before I get into our current pregnancy and all of the joy we’ve had and look forward to sharing in this experience, I want to take several steps back and start from the very beginning of our journey to becoming parents. It’ll explain a lot of what you will read in future posts, especially our […]


create the future. undo the past. love the moment.

Adventures of a Father in Training

Follow me as I learn what it is to be a father and chronicle my adventures with my son.

The Dorky Daddy

Misadventures in Parenthood

A Womb with a View

My journey to, and through, motherhood.